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时间:2024-07-20 09:45:50点击:100



英:Xiang Chong, a general of fine character and fair-minded conduct, profoundly versed in military matters, proved himself in battle during the previous reign, and the late Emperor pronounced him capable. That is why the assembly has recommended him for overall command. In my humble opinion,General Xiang Chong should be consulted on all military matters large or small to ensure harmony in the ranks and the judicious use of personnel.



英: The Former Han thrived because its emperors stayed close to worthy vassals and far from conniving courtiers. The opposite policy led the Later Han to ruin.Whenever the late Emperor discussed this problem with me, he decried the failings of Emperors Huan and Ling. Privy counselors Guo Youzhi and Fei Yi, Secretary Chen Zhen,Senior Adviser Zhang Yi, and Military Counselor Jiang Wan are all men of shining integrity and unshakable devotion. I beg Your Majesty to keep close to them and to trust them, for that will strengthen our hopes for the resurgence of the house of Han.



英:I began as a common man, toiling in my fields in Nanyang, doing what I could to keep body and soul together in an age of disorder and taking no interest in making a name for myself among the lords of the realm. Though it was beneath the dignity of the late Emperor to do so, he honored my thatched cottage to solicit my counsel on the events of the day. Grateful for his regard, I respond to his appeal and threw myself heart and soul into his service.Hard times followed for the cause of the late Emperor. I assumed my duties at a critical moment for our defeated army, accepting assignment in a period of direst danger. Now twenty-one years have passed.



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